
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Mashroob Ubqari Afza


In hot weather, thirst is a natural. We remove thirst through chemical filled drink or take any natural thing. Nature is always waiting with message of health even today. In fact, “Mashroob Ubqari Afza” is the distill juice of natural and Nabvi (SAW) herbs. It is tested, experimented and the best for everyone in every weather. For diseases of hot weathers irritation from hot, inflammation, brealthlessness, irritation of hands & feet, acute thirst, excess sweet, feeling heat, sweet odor, mouth dryness, panic, restlessness, fever, vomiting, depression of skin around eyelid, heat stroke, weakness of heart & stomach, feel darkness, due to heat facial color black and feeling pain in body after sleep, for all these diseases “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” compound prepare with pure priceless Nabvi (SAW) herbs. It is free from artificial sweetness and chemical. First sip of “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” absorb your body and provide you feeling of relax and easiness. There is no any drink in the world that immediately and naturally removes stress, muscles pain and weakness of body due to unbalance food. “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” is unique treatment for stains, spots, pimples of face and it beautiful and attractive. You can use “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” with confidence for the treatment of weakness, deficiency of blood, unbearable heat and thirst. It also provide relief in irritation of hands and feet, irritation in urine, passing pus or blood in urine, obstruction in urethra, urine drops, liver & bladder heat and dryness lips & tongue. It secures you from hot weather, acute thirst and heat. It keeps you fresh in daily life or particularly in Seheri or Aftar of Ramadanul Mubarak. It has 12 benefits like (1) it removes acute thirst, (2) tested for relief in headache and nervous tension (3) effective for high blood pressure, (4) “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” can compete with hot weather during Sehri & Aftar of fasting (5) useful for short breath and heart beating (6) remove dryness of mouth and throut taking water again and again (7) Use with confident to weak children who have anemia (deficiency of blood), loss of appetite and unhealthy (8) it is priceless gift for those who working in heat or under the sun (9) No other like “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” for treatment of body weakness, body exhaust and anemia (10) in hot weather during pregnancy to remove anemia take “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” with water and milk and in cold weather with hot milk in place of sugar. Except pregnancy it is treatment of all weaknesses like stress, nervous and muscular tension and feminine problems like leaking of white fluid. (11) In hot weather, diseases of youths will not remove with any medicine then take “Mashrob Ubqari Afza” with a glass of any drink shale of aspgul, 3 times in a day and save you youngness (12) It the best medicine for treatment of mental tension, depression, stress.



1. First Tonic: Pure component of Nabvi (SAW) natural herbs in “Mashroob-e-Ubqari” not only effects in hot weather but also keeping effects in cold weather. Emperor Akber’s tonic, mixture of milk and almond called “Sardai” after heating up and then mix 3 to 5 table spoon of “Mashroob-e-Ubqari” in it and take it sips. It is tested from centuries for fitness, power of nervous and muscles strength, It is natural and power tonic is more tested than colourful vitamin tablets. We mix “Mashroob-e-Ubqari” in place of sweet.


2. Second Tonic: Patients who are suffering in joint pain, muscle pull, old wound or fatigue due to hard working, they use mixture of a bowl of milk, 1 table spoon pure Ghee with 3 to 5 table spoons “Mashrob-e-Ubqari” and see its effect. If you don’t find pure Ghee than you may only mix 3 to 5 table spoons with “Mashrob-e-Ubqari” in milk and take it, you will feel yourself light and unique energy.


3.Third Tonic: those patients blood pressure whether low or high, they drink rose juice in small bowl with 4 table spoon “Mashrob-e-Ubqari”, it unique treatment for patient of high or low blood pressure, heart patients, angina, breathlessness, depression, tension and mental & psychological confusions.


4. Fourth Tonic: 11 almond take in water in night next grind it and mixed with honey and “Mashrob-e-Ubqari” and give to children early morning. It has nice test, nice color and its benefits are: strengthen eyesight, strengthen body, make sharp mind, increases in heights, fitness, and shiny face and healthy. Same dosage may be use by elders, it is tested. You may use it only some spoons of “Mashrob-e-Ubqari” with hot milk. It is tastful tonic.


Important Instruction: Components of Nabvi (SAW) ever show their effects in every weather and for everyone so that drink with these component you may use without any hesitation, without any special dosage. It is as pure as milk of mother.